Friday, November 25, 2011

Life is...

Life is... what is life?  Who knows what life is really about?  It twists it turns; it stops it goes.  Sometimes it makes sense but most of the time it makes none.  It is filled with different people with different goals and aspirations.  One day you may be at the peak of Mt. Everest, the next you are at the bottom of the Ocean.  You may have everything one day and then have it all taken from you the next.  Life is unpredictable.  It would seem that whenever you think you have something figured out, or when you think you can make some prediction of the future, life has a way of reminding you of how little you are in control.

Right now I sit at home in Missouri, contemplating my life and the circumstances that have brought me to this point.  I cannot help but consider what may have been or what could have been or even perhaps what should have been.  I wonder what may have been different for me now if I had made different decisions. No matter, what is done is done, there is no sense living in the past.  There is only the future.  I do not know what or who is out there, all I know is that I need to keep moving forward. 

It is like hiking toward a mountain... with each individual step you notice no progress, you notice your immediate surroundings change, but the mountain still looks as far away as it ever has been.  By and by however you look up and find yourself at it's base, staring up at it's towering peak.  Then you start climbing... again, you feel like you aren't making any progress, that the goal is always just out of reach.  Then you reach the top.  From there you are able to look back at where you started, where you've been, and where you stand now.  Off in the distance, you see another mountain you couldn't see before.  This one is larger, and further away, yet it calls to you, so you move towards it.  Thus is life...