Thursday, August 4, 2011

Howdy Y'all!

Hey there, so I've decided, since I've suddenly found all this time in my life (something that hasn't been to existent over the last few years) to start a blog.  I'm really not sure if it's a good idea, or even if it will be interesting enough for people actually to read.  I hope so, the fact you are still reading is a good sign.  A few things I'm going to try and do with this is paint a little picture of what goes on in the day of the life of a Joe, that is, myself.  I anticipate a variety of topics I'll talk about as I comment on the events of my life ranging from the mundane to the extravagent.  I've never done this before so in all honesty, I don't have a clue what I'm going to write about.  My goal will be to give people the opportunity to laugh with me at the plight of life and the little things that go on that make it interesting.  With that I hope to make you laugh, sometimes I hope you cry, all in all, I hope in some way I can brighten your day.  With that I give you... today.

Have you ever had those mornings when despite how much sleep you just got, or what time it is, you just don't want to get out of bed?  It was one of those mornings for me.  I woke up around 9 AM, a typical hour since school let out.  As I laid in bed I thought about all the things that I didn't really need to do right away and continued just to lay there, contemplating if I really needed to get out of bed.  Eventually, my head made the decision for me as the usual "you've been in bed too long" headache started kicking in.  So I got up.  Now, let me outline a typical day for me...  After I wake up I usually walk out to the kitchen and mumble something to my room mate Casey.  At this initial time of day my attempts to communicate with other people is next to useless...  I feel sorry for my future wife who, when she's going to want to say something important to me in the morning I'll respond by mumbling something incoherent, have it misunderstood, and get slapped in the face.  Maybe.  Anyway, after that I'll usually stall as long as possible before finally motivating myself enough to go to the gym and work out.  I started working out this week. I've been saying I need to work out for the last three years... now hopefully I'll keep doing it.  The rest of my day has been rather uneventful, I went to the store, bought some milk and cookies (to satisfy my cookie fix), and created this blog.  Now, as I type, my room mate is begging me to shave the back of his neck... what?  I didn't sign up for this when I signed a year long contract to live with him...  for some reason he wants to look good... (and me shaving the pigmy mullet off the back of his neck is supposed to help)  Okey Dokey.  Anyway, that's about all for the day, until next time, hopefully I will survive this next ordeal.


  1. just so you know... I survived... and if I do say so myself... I done pretty good.

  2. Lol make sure you marry someone who's not a morning person either so you can have nonsense conversations when you wake up.
